According to Soetjiningsih (1995), growth is related to the problem of changes in size, number of sizes or dimensions at the cell, organ and individual level, which can be measured by weight (grams, pounds, kilograms), length (cm, meters), bone age and metabolic balance (body calcium and nitrogen retention).

Development is the increase in abilities (skills) in more complex structures and functions of the body in a regular and predictable pattern, as a result of the maturation process, for example: differentiation of cells, body tissues, organs and organ systems, development of intellectual emotions and behavior. as a result of interaction with the environment.

Growth is an increase in the size and number of cells and intercellular tissue, meaning an increase in the physical size and structure of the body in part or in whole, so that it can be measured in units of length and weight. 

Meanwhile, development is the increasing structure and function of the body which is more complex in the ability of gross movement, fine movement, speech and language as well as socialization and independence (Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, 2005).

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